Reference Report

West Dermatology
Skin, right forearm punch
Final Diagnosis
Invasive superficial spreading melanoma, Breslow thickness 0.2 mm, Clark level II, non-mitotic, no ulceration.
Synoptic Report
Procedure: Punch biopsy
Specimen Laterality: Right
Tumor Site: Forearm
Macroscopic Satellite Nodules: Not identified
Histologic Type: Superficial spreading melanoma
Breslow Thickness: At least 0.2 mm
Ulceration: Not identified
Microsatellites: Not identified
Mitotic Rate: None identified
Clark Level: At least II
Lymphovascular Invasion: Not identified
Neurotropism: Not identified
Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes: Present, nonbrisk
Tumor Regression: Not identified
Pathologic Stage: At least pT1a. See comments.
Comments: The specimen is broadly transected at the base. Final pathologic staging should be based on the excision specimen.
Microscopic Description
Sections reveal an invasive melanoma with a predominantly superficial spreading pattern. The tumor is composed of atypical melanocytes with pagetoid spread and nests in the dermis. Maximum Breslow thickness is at least 0.2 mm, and Clark level is at least II. No mitotic figures are noted. No ulceration is noted. The lesion is present at the deep margin.
Gross Description
Received in formalin is a tan-pink skin ellipse labeled 'A. Skin, right forearm punch (JS)' measuring 3.0 x 1.5 cm. The specimen is inked at the margins and submitted in its entirety. Gained 1.0 x 0.5 cm at the deep margin.
Clinical History
8 x 6 mm pigmented lesion right forearm. BCC vs AK.

Katherine A. Johnson, MD
Board Certified Dermatopathologist
Electronically signed out on date of report. This report has been electronically reviewed and validated.